Skin Classic – WOW!!! You can do that, too?

Don’t you hate those little things on your skin that you try to cover up with make-up, creams advertised on the internet, or worst yet; just practice “mindfulness and acceptance?”  Well, those days are OVER! I’m introducing Skin Classic, a device which uses high-frequency technology to eliminate those little things, in the comfort and convenience of my skin care studio.  

Skin Classic can remove minor skin irregularities such as spider veins, red moles, non-cancerous skin growths, skin tags, dark skin spots, acne, and those little white bumps that you can’t pop, but drive you crazy.  The results are apparent about 4 weeks after treatment, and you must remember to use sunscreen to protect your now gorgeous skin!

Give me the details, PLEASE!

Telangiectasia, or Spider veins, occur frequently in fair-skinned people who have experienced long-term sun exposure.  These are broken or widened small blood vessels that sit near the skin’s surface and create visible lines.  The appearance of these veins can be decreased or completely eliminated by Skin Classic.

Red moles, or cherry angiomas, are most commonly found in adults aged 30 or older.  Their reddish appearance is caused by a collection of blood vessels that have joined together.  This is not necessarily a cause for concern unless the ‘red mole’ changes in shape, size or color, or starts to bleed.  In case any of these occur, talk to your doctor. These can be eliminated with Skin Classic.

Seborrheic keratosis is one of the most common noncancerous skin growths found in older adults.  These lesions usually appear as a light tan, brown or black growth on the face, shoulders, chest or back.  They may appear to look like warts or moles, or as a small blob of brown candle wax, with a waxy, scaly, slightly elevated appearance.  These lesions usually start as small rough bumps, then gradually get thicker and develop a warty surface. These are not cancer, but if any irregularity on your skin changes, you should see your doctor.

Skin tags are unsightly, but harmless, growths and as many as one-half of all adults have them.  What’s up with that? A skin tag is a small flap of tissue that hangs off of the skin by a connective stalk.  They are usually found on the neck, armpits, and chest, under the breast or in the groin area. Skin tags aren’t usually problematic but may become irritated if they rub against clothing.  Get rid of them NOW with Skin Classic!

Photo credit: RN Faces Steph Holvick RN

Photo credit: RN Faces Steph Holvick RN

Hyperpigmentation, or “Sun Spots,” occurs when an excess of melanin, the brown pigment that produces your normal skin color, forms deposits in the skin creating dark spots.  This is a common skin condition which can be treated using Skin Classic!  Who wants to look splotchy?  Not YOU!

Photo credit: RN Faces Steph Holvick RN

Photo credit: RN Faces Steph Holvick RN

Milia or “Milk Spots”

Never try to pop Milia.  Unlike a pustule, a milium is not an acne pimple but rather a tiny cyst. The little white lump that makes up a milium is very hard. It’s made of a plug of keratinized (hardened) dead skin cells that have become trapped just below the surface of the skin.  It’s actually encapsulated in a little sac, and to release it you first need to break the sac. Skin Classic can eliminate milia before you know it!

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To schedule an appointment for these services, use the button below and look for “Skin Spot/Tag Removal”.