Cold Weather and Your Skin

To be honest, cold weather doesn’t do your skin any favors.  All of a sudden, your hands and lips feel like sandpaper, and even when you slather on the lotion, nothing seems to help. What’s up with that?

Cold temperatures and low humidity result in dry air, which draws moisture away from your skin.  Our November wind and dry indoor heating don’t help and can make the problem even worse!  So, what to do?

First, use products that don’t dry out your skin further, like a cream-based, instead of a soap-based facial cleanser.  If it suds, trade it in!  Second, use a moisturizing body wash.  Again, no suds!  Your face isn’t the only part of you that dries out!  Third, choose a cream-based body lotion.  Fourth, carry lip balm with you always.  Your lips will thank you!

A final reminder; don’t forget your sunscreen!  Instead of using a spray, use a lotion, which will help keep your skin’s moisture intact.  There are as many UVA/UVB rays in winter as there are in summer.  Just because the sun isn’t shining doesn’t mean that it isn’t there!

I’m thankful for you!
